Northern Devon faces significant economic challenges
but also a range of growth opportunities.
but also a range of growth opportunities.
The Economy, Innovation and Skills Action Group provides a forum for local private sector leaders to come together with skills and careers providers and local economic development leads. The group has been at the heart of mapping out needs and opportunities for the North Devon and Torridge Economic Strategy 2024 – 2029 and has collectively provided a clear focus on developing actions which positively impact on productivity, earnings and skills to specifically boost the competitiveness of the region.


- Improve productivity and strengthen regional competitiveness
- Capitalise on the opportunity of the new blue-green economy
- Retain, attract and nurture talent and skills

- Raise aspiration, increasing adult skills and increase the average wage.
- Support and develop innovation in our key industrial clusters.
- Offer a visible platform showcasing employment opportunities.
- Innovation in the context of this Action Group Board will include fresh approaches that deliver new value to an organisation and the local area/community to create the right kind of growth for the region.
- The Northern Devon Economy, Innovation and Skills Action Group will deliver across the two local authority areas of North Devon and Torridge
- It will directly deliver on the strategic ambitions of the NDF Board whilst also seeking to influence the NDF Board.
- The group will actively engage with schools and other educational partners to collectively address issues around youth exodus and aspiration.
- To deliver on the objective of the Northern Devon Futures Board to ensure an “inclusive concern for all citizens, especially the marginalised and disadvantaged”, with social value and environmental protection and enhancement critical to the action group’s ambitions.
- The Action Group Board will include a mix of public and private sector representation with all bodies prepared to deliver towards the agreed action plan.
- The Action Group Board will not be sector blind but will seek to create underpinning conditions for the right kind of growth for northern Devon, ensuring the distinctiveness and appeal of the region are suitably communicated.
- The Action Group Board will be data-driven, with clear metrics agreed, baselined and measured to evaluate impact. These metrics will include social value considerations.
Action Group Leads

Peter Morrish
Technology and Customer Support Manager

Chris Fuller
Economic Development Manager
Torridge District Council